Whistler Summer Concert Series
Justa Jeskova Photo / RMOW
Number of articles: 75
Reach: 126 million
Ad Value Equivalent: $1.2 million
Integrated Marketing for the Resort Municipality of Whistler
Media Relations
Write press releases that were distributed through RMOW media lists.
1:1 media pitching for various artists and push to events and concert listings
Results - 75 Media Hits
Reach / Circulation - 125,853,435
Ad Value Equivalent - $1,164,144.23
Social Media
Managed creation of assets for social sharing and distributed to community stakeholders, performing artists and posted to RMOW social channels.
Developed integrated marketing plan including radio with recorded and live hits, print advertising with PostMedia including a front page takeover of the Vancouver Province and weekly ads in Pique Newsmagazine. Digital included Spotify, PostMedia network, programmatic and DOOH and Barber Media app.
Stakeholders and Partners
Create asset kits for local stakeholders and send bi-weekly email with specific assets and copy to amplify awareness.
Brochures with all summer concerts, events and other activations listed – 3000 printed
Barber Media distribution in Whistler Village
Kiosks for the village
Content creation
Hire and oversee intro and outro broll content for Concert Series and Movies in the Plaza
Hire photographer Justa Jeskova and filmmaker Ryan Regehr
Negotiate rates and deliverables for both projects
Direct three shoots through summer
Develop shot list and mood board for each shoot
Source and hire models